July, 2022
Articles related to the The MEP “Love Songs” exhibition.
ELLE: Love Songs è la nuova mostra che porta le ballate d’amore a Parigi La dimensione più profonda e intima di emozioni, sentimenti, legami e relazioni è in mostra alla Maison Européenne de la Photographie
Le Figaro: Expos «Love Songs» à la MEP
July, 2022
开后第53届的阿尔勒国际摄影节。久违的阿尔勒我回来了,那一年阿尔勒的50周年,没想到一别就三年了!The Les Rencontres de la photographie, Arles opening!

June, 2022
2022年日本写真協会賞 国際賞を受賞しました。

May, 2022
We are very pleased to receive the "Love Songs" exhibition catalog. These are personal letters from 22 years ago. The scales seem to have fallen from our eyes as what had been hidden has been made public.
May, 2022
RongRong’s “East Village, Beijing” series is featured over the 22 pages on ZUM # 22
April, 2022
Kyoto Journal 101号でRongRong&inri の新作「即非京都」の誕生にまつわるインタビュー記事が10ページに渡り掲載されています。
March, 2022
パリのMaison Européenne de la Photographieにて“Love Songs”展開幕。コロナ禍の前から準備し厳しい現状で開催を実現されたMEPのスタッフの皆様に心からの敬意を表します。私たちが出会ってから一緒になるまでの短い期間に交換していた写真の手紙をこの度初めて公開します。

March, 2022
High Museum of Art, Atlantaにて“What Is Left Unspoken, Love”展が開催中です。
富士山の作品(”In Fujisan, Japan 2001” series)は私たちの人生の節目節目に蘇って私たちに教えてくれる。生きるために一番大切なことを。
January, 2022
RongRong&inri’s works were published on the cover and special pages in The Monthly Photo Art Magazine of South Korea.
October, 2021
Kyotographie 2021, Excellent reviews that evoke imagination!
Transparencies and Tolerances — Four Exhibitions @ Kyotographie 2021
By Gosho Junko
透過と公差——Kyotographie 2021の4つの展示
September 17, 2021
Jifei kyoto「即非京都」exhibition
September 2 - October 17, 2021

April, 2021
Interviews (Chinese/中文) related to the Trace: The Photographic Journey of RongRong&inri《迹:荣荣&映里的影像历程》exhibition.
Date: April 27 - October 31, 2021
Location: Chengdu Contemporary Image Museum, Chengdu, China

More Information
We are honored to selected by Tatler Asia as one of the most influential figures defining the culture of Asia in 2021!

More Information
SYMPOSION— ABOUT LOVE 1996–2000 by inri
映里『饗宴 ── 愛について』1996 ─ 2000
First Edition Published on December 23, 2020.
Organizers: RongRong&inri 榮榮&映里
Text: Michiko Kasahara 笠原美智子 (Vice Director, Artizon Museum, Ishibashi Foundation)
Art Direction: Yoshihisa Tanaka 田中義久; Design: Yoshiko Tanigawa 谷川佳子
Translation: Jillian Schultz ジリアン・シュルツ、Lavender Bingqing Zhao 趙氷清、Fontaine Limited
Language: English, Japanese, Chinese
Size: H 350mm x W 260mm; Page: 168 pages
Binding: Hardcover; ISBN: 9978-4-86541-120-1
Published by Three Shadows Photography Art Centre/ Akaaka Art Publishing, Inc.

北京、そして京都を拠点として活動する国際的なアーティスト 「榮榮&映里」(RongRong&inri)。本書は、映里がユニットとして作品を発表する以前の1996年から2000年にかけて、単独で制作した作品群である。4つのシリーズから成る『饗宴』は、「本人が写っていてもいなくても、これはすべて、若い女性のセルフ・ポートレイトである。」(笠原美智子/本書所収テキストより)バブルが弾けた後の世紀末東京で、写真を通してひたすら自己を見つめ、葛藤し、知り得るあらゆる技法を注ぎ込みながら制作された作品を、今発表するのは何故か。
東京で一人暮らしを始めたときから一緒の、鉢植えのサボテン。作家は、肉の塊としてのサボテンに自身を投影し、一年に一度の開花に全身全霊で立ち会う。自身を直視し、内側から突き破るためにカメラを向けた「セルフポートレイト」。被写体と撮影者という関係を超え、互いの野生を呼び覚ます行為としての写真「MAXIMAX」。クローンに見る存在の耐えられない軽さと、それに拮抗するオリジナルとして吐くグレーの煙「Gray Zone」。世紀末の東京の闇の影に吸い込まれながら、水銀灯の波長に侵される人間の歪められた存在感「1999 東京」。
20年以上前に別々に撮影された4つのシリーズは、今初めて「愛」という観点のもとに提示された。写真と愛を巡る、尽きぬ問いの始まりとしての作品群を、プラトンの『饗宴』になぞらえながら。一冊の中の起伏、そこからの未来ー。2021年の終わらない闇の時間に、自身の創作と生の道筋を見せることで、それでもなお生きることを肯定したいという思いが脈打っている。(AKAAKA HPより)。
「『饗宴 Symposion』に記録された映里の必死の形相は、躊躇いながらも自分の足で立とうともがく多くの現代女性の、何よりの力添えとなるだろう。映里の声が聞こえるようだ。『こっちにいらっしゃい。ひとりで立つことは時に辛くて大変だけれど、清々しい未来の扉を開けることができるよ』と。」(笠原美智子/本書所収テキストより)。
June, 2019
Day After Day- RongRong and the Beijing East Village Exhibition
Date: June 13, 2019 - October 12, 2019

More Information
June, 2019
RongRong's Diary: Beijing East Village (2019)
presents an expansive selection of striking photographs, together with first person accounts from his private diary, which RongRong made between 1993 and 1998 within the artistic community known as Beijing East Village.
248 pages, 124 images; 26 x 21 cm; cloth-bound hardcover; ISBN 978-3-95829-592-6; Published by Steidl / The Walther Collection, June 2019
More information

June 30, 2017
40 Years of Chinese Contemporary Photography (1976-2017)
– Three Shadows 10th Anniversary Special Exhibition
Organizer: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Specially Invited Curator: Wu Hung
Executive Curator: Chen Shen
Exhibition Period: June 28-August 27, 2017
Location: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
(155A Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing)
More Information
June 30, 2017
For celebrating the 10th anniversary, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre held the exhibition 40 years of Chinese Contemporary Photography (1976-2017).
We sincerely appreciate everyone who has followed Three Shadows journey over the last ten years. We hope everyone will continually support and help Three Shadows with further development and will get together to explore and create limitless possibilities for the future of photography.

More Information
カタログ「MAMリサーチ 005:中国現代写真の現場―三影堂撮影芸術中心」展
Publication: MAM Research 005 an exhibition catalogue

July 29, 2017
Talk Session: A Photography Hub to the World: Three Shadows and the Development of Chinese Contemporary Photography
2017.7.29 [Sat] 14:00-16:00
出演:モデレーター 荒木夏実 [森美術館キュレーター]
榮榮&映里 [アーティスト、三影堂撮影芸術中心創設者]
笠原美智子 [東京都写真美術館学芸課長]
Speakers: Moderator Araki Natsumi (Curator, Mori Art Museum)
Wu Hung (Distinguished Service Professor of the Department of Art History, The University of Chicago)
RongRong&inri (Artists, Founders of Three Shadodws Photography Art Centre)
Kasahara Michiko (Chief Curator, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum)

July 5, 2017
MAMリサーチ 005:「中国現代写真の現場―三影堂撮影芸術中心」展
MAM Research 005: Laboratory for Chinese Contemporary Photography - Three Shadows Photography Art Centre Exhibition
森美術館森美術館/ MAMリサーチ 005
Mori Art MuseumMori Art Museum/ MAM Research 005
July 5, 2017 - October 23, 2017

Memories through Cycle
―Images by RongRong&inri and Yuan Goang-ming Exhibition
水戸芸術館 現代美術ギャラリー
Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Center
2016年7月23日- 9月19日
August 6, 2016 - September 18, 2016

2016年ソニー ワールド フォトグラフィー アワード
Receiving the Outstanding Contribution to Photography award of 2016 Sony World Photography Awards
We want to thank Sony and world Photography Organization for giving us the courage to keep walking. We want to thank the help and support from our friends, because our lives are bound together by photography. We are the photography people!
We are extremely honored and excited to know that we received this award.
At the same time, we realized that our photography career is truly our faith.
We are very proud and will continue to work hard.
Photography opens up a new world to us. Through photography, we found love and each other.
I want to thank our masters, friends, and families! Especially since we founded Three Shadows, we have such a passionate and excellent team,. I want to thank them! Just like tonight we have all of your support!

April 9, 2016
Announcement of the 2016 Three Shadows Photography Award winner of this year!
今年は500名近い応募者の中から、第一次選考で選ばれた25名の作品が「無量:2016年度三影堂撮影賞作品展」で展示されています。今年の最終選考委員、ニューヨーク近代美術館(MOMA)写真部部長、Quentin Bajac氏、シカゴ大学教授、Wu Hung氏、MATCH and Company代表、町口覚氏、北京ウーレンスセンター(UCCA)館長、Philip Tinari氏、三影堂代表、榮榮の5名による審査の結果、今年度の大賞受賞者は林博彦&黄承聡さんに決定しました。そして、資生堂優秀賞は王岩さんが受賞されました。おめでとうございます!!
April 8, 2016
25 finalists have been selected from over 500 candidates to participate in the Eighth Three Shadows Photography Award (TSPA) exhibition.
2016 Three Shadows Photography Award International Jury includes QuentinBajac, Chief Curator of Photography Department, the Museum of Modern Art; WuHung, Harrie A. Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professor and Director of Center for the Art of East Asia, the Univ. of Chicago; Satoshi Machiguchi, Director and Designer of MATCH and Company; RongRong, Founder and Director of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre; Philip Tinari, Director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA). Each judges talked deeply to every participant artists face to face.
After intense deliberation by the International Jury Committee, 2016 Three Shadows Photography Award goes to Lam Pok Yin Jeff & Chong Ng; 2016 Shiseido Photographer Award winner goes to Wang Yan.

Announcement of the 2016 Three Shadows Photography Award winner
March 25, 2016
The Culture Trip
10 Contemporary Chinese Photographers You Should Know
The Culture Trip
香港摄影书展HK Photobook Fair 2016

三月,我们将前往香港参加第二届香港摄影书展HK Photobook Fair 2016,期间将会展售三影堂出版物、限量收藏版摄影书和艺术家手工书,欢迎朋友们来现场参观,期待您的到来!
日期 Date : 2016. 3.23-3.25
地点 Venue : 香港港景国际酒店 (香港湾仔港湾道4号)
Harbourview Hotel (4 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong)
HK Photobook Fair 2016

March 19, 2016
Hong Kong Arts Centre 4th Annual Collectors’ Contemporary Collaboration—Intimate Curiosity—Invitation to Japanese Collectors of Contemporary Art

Hong Kong Art Center

March 15, 2016
「ロンロン & インリ、中国と日本の現代写真について語る」
日本語版が掲載されました。ありがとうございます。受賞記念展が4/22から5/8までロンドンのSomerset Houseで開催されます。
Blouin Artinfo
March 9, 2016
Scripts of The Bodies: From the Collection of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

BY Darryl Wee | March 03, 2016

SWPA 2016 : RongRong & inri à l’honneur
燃点 Ran Dian
“Jimei x Arles Photography Festival”: Recollections

燃点 Ran Dian
World Photography Organisation
Artistic Duo RongRong&inri Awarded Outstanding Contribution to Photography

We are extremely honored to accept the Outstanding Contribution to Photography prize at the 2016 Sony World Photography Awards. Besides our supporters, we would like to thank photography for giving us so many challenges and opportunities!
More info
[PDF] here - Sony Asia Pacific
January 9, 2016
森山大道交流会 in 三影堂厦門アモイ
Exchange meeting of Daido Moriyama at the Three Shadows Xiamen on 9 Jan, 2016

2016年 新年あけましておめでとうございます。
11月には中国福建省アモイ市に三影堂撮影芸術中心の分館(三影堂厦門撮影芸術中心)を開設いたしました。同時にアモイの地でフランスのアルル国際写真フェスティバルと正式提携した国際写真祭「Jimei X Arles: East West Encounters International Photo Festival」を立ちあげました。2015年、第一回目となった昨年度は、世界16カ国から、388名の写真家が参加し、1635点の写真作品と、66点の映像作品、56点の立体作品ほか、パフォーマンス、写真集展、講座、討論会、ポートフォリオレビュー等を開催、一ヶ月の会期中に約5万人の来客があり大盛況のうちに無事閉幕いたしました。この写真祭は今後毎年の開催を予定しています。
We are extremely grateful for your support and looking forward to our future collaborations!

Nobemer 26, 2015
Great members of Three Shadows!
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 三影堂摄影艺术中心


November 26, 2015
Jimei X Arles: Encounters Between East and West—International Photo Festival
Exhibition Duration: 15 November–16 December 2015
We hope as photograph cultural exchange continued between the countries their mutual understanding become even deeper. We pray for world peace.

in Chinese report:
in English report:
Establishment of Three Shadows Xiamen
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Nov 15, 6PM (Beijing Time)—The first contemporary photography artspace ,Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre (hereafter Xiamen Centre), opens its door to the public at Jimei District, Xiamen, Fujian Province. The launch was announced shortly after its Beijing headquarters and pioneer of Chinese contemporary photography art space, Three Shadows Contemporary Art Centre celebrated its 8th anniversary. Opening of Xiamen Centre is a dream-comes-true for its founders, photography artists RongRong&inri. Since its first day, Xiamen Centre has shown the public a promising future with overwhelming supports from the art scene, the local government and Jimei district committee.
At the opening ceremony, Xiamen Centre greeted its guests from in and out of China, including Ye Chonggeng (Member of Standing Committee of the Xiamen Municipal Committee, Director of Publicity Department of the Xiamen Municipal Committee), Wu Fengzhang (Former Deputy Secretary of the Xiamen Municipal Committee, Director-General of Department of Culture of Xiamen Province), Huang Xiaozhou (Mayor of Jimei District, Xiamen), Sam Stourdzé (Director of the Rencontres d’Arles), Sohey Moriyama (Daido Moriyama Photo Foundation), Huang Rui (Artist).
The opening exhibition Fragments: Silkscreens of Daido Moriyama was opened to the public on the same day. This time, the world well-known artist selected 45 pieces among his rare silkscreen works and an installation room with wallpaper recreated from his famous Tights series. It was the first time in Daido Moriyama’s career to present an overview of his silkscreens, which fascinated audiences of either artists by themselves orlocal visitors who saw his work for the first time. Hundreds of local people came to see the show on the first day.
For most photographers, the purpose of their artistic activitieslies in the publication of their own photo books, rather than having their works displayed in a gallery or museum. Therefore since the beginning, many photographers have been weighing heavily on “taking photos”, but not how to present the images. Uniquely, Daido Moriyama, who was born in 1938, have persistently explored and challenged the potential of photography. A seasoned photo taker as he is, Moriyama is also an excellent image presenter, who is open to any materials and skills as long as it is the best choice for what he desires. His artist conception has gone far beyond photography.
“Daido Moriyama is a great artist who is making tireless efforts to expand his artistic expression. Because one of the missions of Xiamen Centre is to explore new possibilities of photography through introducing contemporary arts in general, which is a different approach from its Beijing headquarters, we think Daido Moriyama and his silkscreens are the perfect kickoff for our newspace.” founders and artists RongRong&inri explained.
Meanwhile, Mesh Tights at +3 Gallery of Xiamen Centre shows Daido Moriyama’s classic gelatin silver print images. Fans of Moriyama and arts should not miss this chance to see his precious grand size silkscreens on canvas. Probably, Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre is the only artspace in China to introduce Moriyama’s works in diverse styles simultaneously by far.
Xiamen Centre was homed in Jimei New City, neighboring Xiamen Software Park Phase III, the Xiamen Jiageng Theatre, Jimei University Town, and Jimei City Plaza. It was considered the most modernized contemporary art centrein Xiamen. The 3,600-square-meter space hosts an exhibition hall, +3 Gallery, Image Making Centre, Education Program, a library, a gift shop and a cafe. Consistent with Three Shadows’s mission in pursuit of the art value, Xiamen Centre will promote cross-strait and international arts and cultural exchanges as well. Now Xiamen residents can expect a brand new cultural experience with out traveling far.

November 6, 2015
There was opening of the Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam yesterday. We exhibit "Liulitun, Beijing" series.

集美X阿尔勒:东西方对话 国际摄影季
Jimei X Arles: East West Encounters International Photo Festival
Date: November 15-December 16, 2015
Location: Yuanbo Garden, Tan Kan Kee Art Center, Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre
More information:
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 三影堂摄影艺术中心

October 22, 2015
We must thank the experts, collectors, artists, and amazing Three Shadows team for collaborating and organizing one of two projects currently at Three Shadows, the exhibition "Chinese Photography: Twentieth Century and Beyond". We believe Three Shadows is an open platform for experimental exchange. We will endeavor to continue opening up opportunities for photographic conversation and possibilities for international collaboration.

中国摄影 二十世纪以来

Geography: Documents and Works by RongRong&inri
Organizer: Three Shadows +3 Gallery
Exhibition Dates: October 17 to December 6, 2015
Address: No. 155A Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing


October 10, 2015
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 三影堂摄影艺术中心
中国摄影:二十世纪以来 | Chinese Photography: Twentieth Century and Beyond

Exhibition Summary
Photography entered China 171 years ago, when the French photographer Jules Itier took“A Portrait of Qiying,the Governor-general of Guangdong and Guangxi” in 1844. Since its colonial introduction, the medium of photography has flourished inthe country, developing into a lively field of contemporary art in recent years. Yet the lack of institutional collections of photography has made publicaccess to vintage prints and archival materials very difficult. Such materialsare often held privately, and as such, public exhibitions are rare. This has hindered the development of Chinese photography: students lack exposure to historical techniques, researchers lack experience and training, and collectors and institutions lack a concept of the historical value of vintage prints andarchives of photography, leading to the loss of even more material. Our exhibition aims to address the situation by providing an unprecedented overview of the history of Chinese photography through vintage prints and archival materials sourced from private collections around the country. The exhibition includes works from Chinese photographers of every era since 1900, and is separated into the following sections: “Republican Eraand Wartime Photography”, “Seventeen Years of New Chinaand Ten Years of the Cultural Revolution”, and“Chinese Photography Since the Opening Up and Reform. Accompanying the exhibition will be a related publication and conference, which will reconsider the history of Chinese photography in light of these materials. Through this exhibition, we hope to inspire more interest in and understanding of the value of vintage prints and archival materials for the development of Chinese photography.
The exhibition is dedicated to the 33rd Oracle Conference. The Three Shadows Photography Art Centre and Social Archive of Chinese Photography ( China Academy of Art) introduce the Oracle Conference to China for the first time. During the conference, photography curators, scholars and experts will gather in Beijing and seminars will be set up to discuss Chinese photography and other important photography topics.
Numerous institutions, collectors and artists have supported the exhibition. Special thanks are given to: Huang Jianpeng Gallery, 798 Photo Gallery, China Image Gallery, Inter Gallery, Chambers Fine Art, See+ Gallery, Chen Shen, JuanI-Jong, Zhao Junyi, Zhuang Wenjun, Jin Youming, Jin Hua, Shi Zhimin, Wu Wei, Gao Chu, Yu Deshui, Li Mei, Tong Bingxue, and He Ming.
Artists List
Lao Yanruo, Guo Xuequn, Wang Mengshu, Wu Yuzhou, Shu Xincheng, Chen Wanli, Luo Bonian, Lang Jingshan, Zhuang Xueben, Wu Zhongxing, Fang Dazeng, Jin Shisheng, Liu Bannong, Lin Zecang, Shi Shaohua, Wu Yinxian, Zhang Yinquan, Zheng Jingkang, Cai Junsan, Liang Zude, Huang Xiang, Xue Zijiang, Lan Zhigui, Gao Fan, Niu Weiyu,Xu Xiaobing, Hou Bo, Yuan Yiping, Chen Fuli, Zhang Qijun, Liu Xucang, Wu Yinbo,Yao Jingcai, Jian Qingfu, Zeng Xiangmin, Chen Baosheng, Shi Zhimin, RenShulin, Wang Zhiping, Li Xiaobin, Peng Xiangjie, Wang Yaodong, Chen Yongpeng, Xiao Quan, Shi Baoxiu, Yu Xiaoyang, Lv Nan, Xie Hailong, Wu Jialin, Hou Dengke, Liu Heungshing, Jiang Jian, Xing Danwen, Zeng Huang, An Ge, Yu Deshui, Wang Wenlan,Wang Fuchun, Wang Wusheng, Hu Wugong, Huang Rui, Ai Weiwei, RongRong, Hong Lei,Han Lei, Gao Bo, Liu Zheng, Zhang Hai’er, Mo Yi, Xu Yong, Lu Yuanmin, Zuoxiao Zuzhou, Miao Xiaochun, Hong Hao, Wang Qingsong, Zhang Dali,RongRong&inri, Wang Ningde, Zhao Liang, Fu Yu, Yu Quanxing, He Chongyue,FengYan,Qiu, A Dou, Cai Dongdong, Lu Yanpeng, Jiang Pengyi, Li Jun, Sun Yanchu, TacaSui, Chen Zhe, Zhang Xiao, Zhang Kechun, Ren Hang, Zhang Jin, Zhu Lanqing, Chen Xiaoyi.
Exhibition Topic: “Chinese Photography: Twentieth Century and Beyond”
Duration: October 17 –October25, 2015 (Closed OnMondays)
Venue: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (Caochangdi 155A, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100015)
Organizers: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre; Social Archive of Chinese Photography, China Academy of Art
Exhibition Directors: RongRong&inri
Curators: Wu Hung, Chen Shen, Li Mei, Gu Zheng, Juan I-Jong, Tsai Meng, Gao Chu, Stephanie Tung, Shen Chen
October 10, 2015
北京三影堂撮影芸術中心で10月17日から10月25日まで「中国摄影:二十世纪以来 | Chinese Photography: Twentieth Century and Beyond」展を開催します。民国から現在まで、100名の作家のビンテージ、オリジナル作品を一堂に展示します。会期8日間とう大変貴重な展覧会です。この機会に是非ご観覧ください!
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 三影堂摄影艺术中心

September 10, 2015
RongRong & inri, Exhibition information:
"First Look: Collecting Contemporary at the Asian" exhibition holds it now!

September 10, 2015
第二届上海艺术影像展(Photo Shanghai)在上海展览中心开幕

September 4, 2015
「森山大道 in 北京三影堂」

August 22, 2015
Three Shadows Exhibition Information:
On Methods – Solo-Exhibition by Candida Höfer
Presented by: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Goethe-Institut China
Opening: 18:00, August 15, 2015
Venue: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (Caochangdi No. 155, Chaoyang District, Beijing)

July 27, 2015

July 26, 2015
大地の芸術祭参観中。写真の作品は岩間賢さん、塩田千春さん、蔡國強さん、奴奈川キャンパス、脱皮する家にて。We saw many works in Echigo Tsumari Art Triennnale 2015. These are picture of Shedding House, NUNAGAWA Campus, House Memory by Chiharu Shiota's, TSUBONO FIELD PARK Strong Wind Securing Water by Satoshi Iwama, and Cai Guo-Qiang's Penglai / Hōrai mountain.

July 24, 2015

July 24, 2015
「中国写真新勢力—三影堂撮影賞 in 大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2015」

参加作家: 蔡東東、 陳蕭伊、 陳哲、 程新皓、 杜艶芳、 範石三、 馮立、 蒋鵬奕、 李俊、劉珂、劉涛、劉衛、劉張鉑滝、盧彦鵬、 丘、任航、孫彦初、塔可、王淋、王遠凌、肖日宝、許力静、張晋、張克純、張暁、朱嵐清
協力: 沈宸(三影堂撮影芸術中心)
主催:大地の芸術祭 実行委員会
July 14, 2015
「《写真》見えるもの/見えないもの #02」展

会 場 : 東京藝術大学大学内大浦食堂
〒110-8714 東京都台東区上野公園12番8号東京藝術大学大学美術館 陳列館
July 11, 2015
2010ー2012年に開催した「草場地春の写真祭 アルルからー北京へ」が場所を新たに「集美 X Arlesー国際写真フェスティバル」として今年11月、中国、アモイ市で開催します。
2015 Jimei X Arles
Encounters the East & West International Photo Festival
Date: November 15-December 16, 2015
Location: Yuanbo Garden, Tan Kan Kee Art Center, Jimei City Center

This day in age, many countries and regions are forming photo biennials, triennials, andinternational photo festivals to promote traditional and contemporary art photography whilespurring on the economic and cultural development of the areas in which they are held. Theinternationally renowned “Les Rencontresd’Arles” already has an illustrious history and has developed its own unique style and model. Furthermore, it continues to strive for change amidst today’s global economic and cultural transformation.
Jimei X Arles emerges precisely from the convergent needs of both this specialized discipline and the broader public. Xiamen possesses a truly unique cumulative cultural heritage and history of overseas interaction and exchange. Jimei X Arles aims to have a widespread effect upon culture in its neighboring countries and regions, as well as that of the global characteristics of contemporary photography, which originated in Europe.
Jimei is a famed port and tourist destination of China’s Southeastern coastal region — one of Xiamen’s administrative areas, it has been dubbed “The Garden on the Sea” and a resplendent pearl. Bursting with culture and exquisite scenery, it is the hometown of patriotic hero Chen Jiageng, once called “the banner of overseas Chinese; glory of the nation” by Chairman Mao Zedong. Chen Jiageng founded the Jimei School Village, which now boasts over a hundredyears of history, 12 universities and colleges, tens of thousands of teachers and students. It is a cultural and educational area that enjoys widespread renown. Jimei prides itself on convenient transportation, a flourishing economy, and magnificent natural surroundings. It is comprised of software/information technology services, mechanized equipment production, business and commercial tourism, as well as the leading cultural performing arts industry. Life for those inJimei is peaceful and content, happy and harmonious.
Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival will rely upon Les Rencontresd’Arles’ extensive international exhibition expertise and content, while incorporating Three Shadows Photography Art Centre’s comparable Asian and Chinese exhibition expertise and content, all strategically situated within Jimei district’s newly developed arts & culture estate. These elements will be synthesized with local civic and cultural resources to create China’s best international photo festival, bringing Jimei into the international public sphere and encouraging the expansion of its cultural industry.
Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival is supported by Xiamen, Jimei district and organized by Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival was jointly initiated by Sam Stourdze, Director of Les Rencontresd’Arles, and RongRong, Founder of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre. Independent curator Li Zhenhua will serve as Artistic Director of the event.
Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival is thematically divided as follows: International Trends in Photography, Encounter the East, Fashion & Photography, City Navigation, Double Nostalgia, Local Action, Extended Photography, Audio Visual, and Prize & Collection. The festival will encompass more than ten countries and regions, over a hundred photographers from China and abroad, and over a thousand photographs.
Artron Art Centre and Modern Media are the offical partnerships of "Jimei X Arles Encounters The East & West International Photo Festival".
法国发布会现场 (秦铭延 摄影)
July 8, 2015

June 27, 2015
三影堂8周年記念晩餐会 &「第二回三影堂実験映像開放展」&「太宰:森山大道展 」開幕!ご協力いただいたアーティストの方々、お越し頂いた皆様ありがとうございました!
Thank you for your coming and Participant for The Three Shadows 8th Anniversary Ceremony & "The 2nd Three Shadows Experimental Image Open Exhibition" & “Dazai — Daido Moriyama Photography" !

More information
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Exhibition Information:
"The 2nd Three Shadows Experimental Image Open Exhibition"

展期:2015年6月28日(周日)—8月2日(周日)上午10:00 — 下午6:00(周一闭馆)
Duration: June 28 (Sunday) - August 2 (Sunday), 2015 10:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m. (Closed on Mondays)
Venue: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Website: en.threeshadows.cn

May 16, 2015

May 10, 2015
The second day of The Making of Photobook Satoshi Machiguchi and the Japanese professional engineer.

May 5, 2015
This morning at Ryosokuin

April 25, 2015
KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival 2015
京都の名所で写真三昧!『KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭』

April 21, 2015
It was wonderful day of opening in Ryosokuin 建仁寺塔頭 両足院

Great regard for Dr. John Tancock

April 18, 2015
"Tsumari Story" exhibition in Ryosokuin, Kyoto.

April 14, 2015
2015 Three Shadows Photography Award was introduced in the time!
"Discover the Winner of China’s Most Prestigious Photo Award"
April 14, 2015
Three Shadows Photography Award (TSPA) winners for 2015 Announced

April 12, 2015, 27 finalists have been selected out of the 473 candidates to participate in the Seventh Three Shadows Photography Award (TSPA) exhibition. After intense deliberation by the International Jury Committee, 2015 Three Shadows Photography Award goes to Chen Xiaoyi; 2015 Shiseido Photographer Award winner goes to Cheng Xinhao.
More information
April 14, 2015
It is clear today!
With members of Jury in Caochangdi village.

March 15, 2015

February 14, 2015

February 5, 2015
Review: Photographs of RongRong&inri at the Modern act as diplomatic emissaries of love
Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/entertainment/arts-culture/article8455553.html#storylink=cpy
February 5, 2015
We came back to Japan from Los Angeles. Sleet falls now in here. Very cold!
We thank Jillian who lovely met again and help us in Los Angeles!

February 3, 2015
From San Francisco

January 31, 2015
Our solo exhibition opening today in the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.We thank for your warm welcome!

January 31, 2015
In the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
Architect by Tadao Ando, So beautiful...

January 31, 2015
RongRong & inri: Exhibition Information
"focus: RongRong & inri"
Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth
January 31- April 5, 2015

New publication
Tsumari Story catalog and special edition box set
Paris Photo 2014

ThreeShadows +3 Gallery Participate in PARIS PHOTO2014
Foam opens new exhibition in China: Still/Life - Contemporary Dutch Photography

Duration: October 31, 2014 – November 30, 2014
Location: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Mr. Eberhard van der Laan of the Mayor of Amsterdam and Mr. Marcel Feil, Ms. Marie-Luce Bree,
Mr. Feng Boyi, Mr. Liu Gang and RongRong cut the tape and opened the Exhibiotion.
Exhibition information
Museum Management in the World of Photography

Date: Thursday 30 October 2014
Location:CAFA Museum Lecture Hall (Central Academy of Fine Arts)
RongRong participated in a panel discussion.
Esprit Dior exhibition in Tokyo

Duration:October 30, 2014 – January 4, 2015
Tokyo, Japan
RongRong & inri's work was exhibited.
Exhibition information
FIYTA Photography prize 2014
RongRong & inri was the winner of the FIYTA Photograph prize.

Extension course in Joshibi University Art and Design

Date: Monday 20 October 2014
Location:Joshibi University Art and Design, Tokyo
inri participated in open lecture
International East Asia Photo Culture Forum and Exhibition

Exhibition: September 13-28, 2014
Forum: Saturday 20 September
Location:The Town of Photography: Higashikawa
RongRong & inri participated in a panel discussion.
Performance and Imagination: Chinese Photography 1911-2014
Duration: September 19 - January 25, 2015
Venue: Stavanger art museum
Tsumari Story series was exhibited.
Exhibition information
Tsumari Story exhibition at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, Beijing
Duration: July 26, 2014 — October 26, 2014
Venue: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre
Exhibition information
Tsumari Story exhibition at the Mizuma Art Gallery, Tokyo

Duration: June 11, 2014 - July 12, 2014
MODERN LADY magazine

RongRong & inri appeared on the cover of the MODERN LADY magazine.